Client Highlight: “Because This is Auburn” Campaign
Jane DiFolco Parker from Auburn University shares the success of the $1 billion Because This is Auburn campaign and her experiences working with Alexander Haas.
The College Athletic Seating Deduction: Experts Weigh-In
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the U.S. tax reform bill signed into law late last year, repeals a rule that allowed taxpayers to deduct 80 percent of a contribution made for the right to purchase tickets for college and university athletic events.
Buckle Up…It Could Be a Bumpy Ride

Here’s what we know: The United States has a new set of rules for income taxation.
Here’s what we don’t know: What do these new rules mean to philanthropic giving?
Individuals and businesses are struggling to figure out what impact, if any, the new tax law has on them.
2017: A Very Important Tax Year

As the House and Senate work on reconciling the details of their two tax plans, there is one thing we know for sure: Change is coming in 2018.
Let’s Talk Turkey: Getting Creative with Giving Tuesday to Motivate Donors
Hone your #GivingTuesday and end of year giving messages to highlight how your donors continue to make a difference for your community through the support of your work.
Applying the 10,000 Hour Rule to Fundraising
While working with one of our private school clients, I was reminded of the of the “10,000 Hour Rule”. Some are endowed with “innate talent”…just born with that “it” factor that allows them to be successful in some particular discipline, but it takes practice to really make it happen.
The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same
Some recent observations from our work on campaigns with hundreds of different organizations, of all types across the US, gives us a unique 30,000-foot view of evolving trends in campaigns.
The Growth of Grateful Patient Programs
In health care, development leaders and teams can’t depend on a winning football team or wealthy alumni to create a natural pipeline for ongoing philanthropic support. Organizations are turning to, and in many cases increasing fundraising efforts around, “grateful patients”.
Nonprofit Feasibility Studies – A Cautionary Tale in Best Practices
I recently read an article on npEngage about the value of planning studies. And while the author makes some very interesting and relevant points, one thing to consider, however, is:
What information you will get back from this process?
Giving USA 2017: Overview and Analysis
The results are in and the Giving USA 2017 report reveals charitable giving hit a record high for the third straight year in 2016, reaching $390.05-billion.