3 Ways to Start Your Search for Fundraising Counsel

The first task is to identify a pool of firms to begin the selection process.  There are a number of resources for identifying firms, but before you start looking, you need to decide what you are looking for.

Nobody Wants to Fund Endowment?

I was sitting around the table with a group of campaign volunteers, who were also significant donors.  We were discussing the organization’s proposed capital campaign elements and one of them said, “We need to reduce this endowment part, nobody wants to give to endowment anymore.” To my surprise, everyone else at the table agreed withRead More Nobody Wants to Fund Endowment?

The Power of “For”

I was at an educational session recently where the topic was nonprofit financing.  It was a robust discussion about the use of capital, creation of endowments, financing growth, etc.  The primary focus of the speaker was on the area of “growth capital” and the idea that, perhaps, too much of the equity in the nonprofitRead More The Power of “For”

A Very Bored Board: Managing Expectations

In his post last week, our friend Jim Paglia discussed his experience and work with nonprofit boards. As I reflected on his words of wisdom, I began to review an assessment we recently wrote for a client, and was shocked by some of the findings! Why? Let’s take a look at their board’s statistics: