David King, President & CEO of Alexander Haas Shares Results of Giving USA 2017

The results are in – and philanthropic giving is UP – to a record high, to boot! Giving climbed above $390 billion last year. David King, President and CEO of Alexander Haas, took time to share with us the major takeaways from this year’s report.

Just as a sneak peek –

  1. Giving to religion – while still the largest part of the giving “pie” – having seen a rapid decline, has leveled off in the past few years and is holding steady.
  2. “Rage donations” to environmental protection organizations have caused a significant up-tick in giving to that particular sector.
  3. Giving to and from Donor Advised Funds is growing. Because of that, Giving USA will now begin tracking giving to and from Donor Advised Funds as part of their report.

Interview with David King, President & CEO of Alexander Haas:


Want to get your hands on a copy of the Giving USA report? Head on over to givingusa.org to purchase the whole report or just the information for the sector you’d like.

Also, check out the full Giving USA 2017 Results presentation David made to the Atlanta Chapter of AFP.