3 Ways to the Most of #GivingTuesday

#GivingTuesday continues to grow in popularity and impact in a way your nonprofit cannot afford to miss out on. Last year alone, #GivingTuesday raised over $300 million online for charities with an average gift exceeding $120, marking a 64% growth in funds raised from 2016. This year’s #GivingTuesday, November 27, 2018, kicks off what many consider the giving season. Are you ready?

Here are three ways your nonprofit can prepare to make the most of #GivingTuesday.

1.       Set Up an Intentional Campaign
You can’t just throw a couple social media posts up on November 27th and expect people to give to your organization. Establish an intentional campaign that motivates people to give that combines moving stories, videos, photos with a clear call to action. Determine how you’ll communicate through digital and print media. Create momentum leading up to the day and celebrate the day through your channels. And don’t let it end there. Let your #GivingTuesday campaign run seamlessly into your end-of-year giving campaign. A recent study shows that nonprofits raise 14 times more in their end-of-year campaigns when they participate #GivingTuesday.
2.       Make it Easy for People to Give
Maybe you’re not ready for cryptocurrency, but you can create simple giving solutions. Whether you’re using snail mail or encouraging people to donate online, make sure you’ve removed every obstacle so that donors will be able easily give to your organization. Test your online platforms and make them simple to navigate. If someone tries to give and a link is broken, or the pre-paid envelope is not included in their mailer, you will probably never see that money. Details matter when it comes to giving money.
3.       Plan for What’s Next
With a thoughtful campaign and easy ways to give, you’re set to grow your donor base through your #GivingTuesday campaign. So, what’s next? Have a follow up plan already in place. Segment your new donors appropriately into your database and engage them in the new year in thoughtful ways to cultivate the relationship and turn them into life-long donors.

Who Stands to Gain the Most?
The most recent study of #GivingTuesday donations conducted by DataKind shows that education received nearly 40 percent of all donations made, “However, interestingly, arts and cultural organizations saw the greatest increase in donations, in some cases receiving nearly 20% of their annual donations from this single day.” What are you doing to prepare for #GivingTuesday?

Set your nonprofit up for success by planning now for an intentional #GivingTuesday and end-of-year campaign that raises funds and attracts and retains new donors.

This article originally appeared in NonProfit PRO.