Giving In Our Community

At National Philanthropy Day, presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Association of Fundraising Professionals earlier this fall, Alicia Philipp, President of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, shared a statistic reported in the Chronicle of Philanthropy: Atlanta ranks as the 4th most generous community among the top 50 metro areas in the country.

In addition, philanthropy in Atlanta has grown 6.5% in the last 8 years.

This was welcome news for the audience of generous donors who had gathered to celebrate the contributions they and many other have made to organizations across the city’s non-profit spectrum.

AFP also shared a dynamic info-graphic of “Giving Impact in Georgia.”

Highlights include:

  • $78 billion is the economic impact of the non-profit sector in Georgia, which includes over 37,000 organizations
  • Georgia donors with income of $50,000 to $200,000 gave the most in charitable contributions – $3.4 billion (IRS data from 2011)
  • Georgians give 2.9% of their income to charitable causes compared to 2.1% nationally
  • There are 1,500 Georgia foundations with total giving of $832 million (in 2011)

As the busy end of the year giving season gets underway, it is heartening to realize that we live in a very generous community.