MatchSticks Atlanta Job Matching for Fundraising/Development and Non-Profits

matchsticks logoAlexander Haas is pleased to announce that we are now providing a job matching service for development professionals and our Atlanta nonprofit clients. MatchSticks, our newest RESULTS driven service, is now available as a cost and time effective professional search option. Build your development team by utilizing our growing database of development career seekers, counsel from our experienced team and process coordination by the Alexander Haas support staff.

Looking for development staff?
In a streamlined search process we match skilled and experienced professionals to the unique needs of Atlanta area nonprofts. If you need help finding just the right development staff member, click here on the Atlanta Development Jobs link to open the MatchSticks Registration Form. When completed just hit the SEND button found at the end of the form. To find out more about this service you can contact Linda McNay at 404/834-9212.

Looking for a development job?
We are currently adding to our database of development career seekers. If you are interested in being considered for an open development position please click here on the Atlanta Development Job Seekers link to open the MatchSticks Application and Questionnaire. When completed hit the SEND button to submit the form along with your resume and letters of recommendation. To answer any questions you might have please call Tricia Whitlock at 404/832.9206.

Development Job Seekers Application

Development Officers Application