Setting the Stage for Endowment Compliance
It is wise to carefully monitor endowment funds, not only for investment growth, which is often the primary concern of boards or investment committees, but also to ensure the intent of the donor is at the forefront.
Follow Your Passion, Select the Right Clients with James Hackney
James Hackney joins Alexander Haas President and CEO, David King to share how he followed his passion and became Senior Director of Development for Yale Divinity School in the spring of 2014. Currently leading the School’s efforts to raise $200,000,000 and meet 100% of student financial aid need by 2022, James details how previously beingRead More Follow Your Passion, Select the Right Clients with James Hackney
Patience and Persistence Pays Off
Patience and persistence paid off the campaign concluded in 2015 with $105 million raised against the $80 million goal, fulfilling the secret dream that MTSU’s 100th anniversary would be celebrated with a $100 million+ Centennial Campaign.
2017: A Very Important Tax Year
As the House and Senate work on reconciling the details of their two tax plans, there is one thing we know for sure: Change is coming in 2018.
Team Member Spotlight: Sandra Kidd
Sandra K. Kidd, Partner, provides a wide range of results-oriented services to clients including Board planning and development, fundraising assessment studies, campaign strategy studies, campaign direction, staff development and general consulting. Her areas of expertise cover campaign planning and management, working with Boards and campaign leadership committees, and major and planned giving consultation. In thisRead More Team Member Spotlight: Sandra Kidd
Potential Impact of the Tax Proposal on the Arts
While we don’t know what will eventually come out of Congress, one thing is for sure: It is better to have a plan and not need it than to arrive at January 1 with no plan for dealing with a new reality that promises to confuse donors and discourage charitable giving to our organizations.
A Season of Thanksgiving
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s a great time to stop to take a breath and remember what we are thankful for.
Potential Impact of the Tax Proposal on Museums
While we don’t know what will eventually come out of Congress, one thing is for sure: It is better to have a plan and not need it than to arrive at January 1 with no plan for dealing with a new reality that promises to confuse donors and discourage charitable giving to our museums.
48 Nonprofits, 48 Websites, 48 Hours with Adam Walker
Nonprofits focus where they should… helping others. Thus, 48in48 Founder, Adam Walker set out with the goal of helping nonprofits. Traveling to different cities, Adam, his team and volunteers help create 48 websites for 48 local nonprofits in 48 hours – helping these organizations spread the word about what they do and giving them theRead More 48 Nonprofits, 48 Websites, 48 Hours with Adam Walker
For Boards and CEOS: 3 Metrics That Matter
It’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in a sea of numbers. Whether you’re Board chair, CEO, development committee chair, or an attentive Board member, what fundraising metrics matter the most?