
Working Your Way Through Conflict

By: Nancy E. Peterman, Partner Development officers are often the delight of any social occasion.  Trained to facilitate conversations, we are masters of putting people at ease.  As skilled as most of us are in smoothing over moments of awkwardness or tension, there is the infrequent blip on the radar screen where an encounter becomesRead More Working Your Way Through Conflict

Current Trends in Online Fundraising

By Heather Thornton, Project Manager A recent Chronicle of Philanthropy article about online fundraising trends caught my eye, as I am working with a client in a campaign whose online presence is of particular importance and for whom social media has played a role in spreading the word about their endeavor. This article* outlines severalRead More Current Trends in Online Fundraising

Rules of Solicitation: The Script

After only 10 minutes into the conversation, the prospect said, “I am satisfied that you have met all the requirements for fundraising success that I requested several months ago. I’m ready to sign and pledge $2 million dollars to this effort.” The two solicitors looked at each other in disbelief. Carefully scripted, they were preparedRead More Rules of Solicitation: The Script