
Making A Measurable Difference

“It is more difficult to give away money intelligently than to earn it in the first place.”  Thus said Andrew Carnegie in his 1889 essay, The Gospel of Wealth. I was reminded of this quote by some students whom I had the good fortune to encounter on a cold January day in a warm classroom.Read More Making A Measurable Difference

Don’t Say No To The Dough: Gift Lessons

Last month The Washington Post reported that 50 leading Roman Catholics in higher education signed a letter protesting a $1-million gift that will enable the Catholic University of America’s School of Business and Economics to hire four visiting scholars to do research on “principled entrepreneurship.” They argued that the gift sends “a confusing message” becauseRead More Don’t Say No To The Dough: Gift Lessons

Nobody Wants to Fund Endowment?

I was sitting around the table with a group of campaign volunteers, who were also significant donors.  We were discussing the organization’s proposed capital campaign elements and one of them said, “We need to reduce this endowment part, nobody wants to give to endowment anymore.” To my surprise, everyone else at the table agreed withRead More Nobody Wants to Fund Endowment?

Tis the Season of Giving Thanks

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me like the holiday season began back in September this year. There were ornaments on sale before my Labor Day leftovers were gone, the halls were decked before Halloween arrived, and the traffic around Lenox and Phipps has been gridlocked since October. Also of note, I’veRead More Tis the Season of Giving Thanks