
Vigilance in Uncertain Times

Vigilance . . . An appropriate word to describe how those of us who work to strengthen nonprofit organizations should view the future.  Why vigilance?  Well, bear with me.  

How to Deal with a Sticky Situation like a Government Shutdown

Diana Leon-Taylor said recently that, “The nonprofit community serves as the glue that solves a lot of problems in a community.”  Leon-Taylor, the President/CEO of the Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington, was referring to the current government shutdown. “Statistics show that any community that has a strong nonprofit sector has a strong economy,” she continued.Read More How to Deal with a Sticky Situation like a Government Shutdown

Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility

In September, Sarah Cahan, a senior insights supervisor with Cone Communications’ Research and Insights team, wrote some interesting observations about consumers, companies, charitable causes, and the impact perception gap in the world of CSR. CSR is Corporate Social Responsibility, aka “cause marketing,” where companies and charities partner to create opportunities that allow consumers to feel good,Read More Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility

A Very Bored Board: Managing Expectations

In his post last week, our friend Jim Paglia discussed his experience and work with nonprofit boards. As I reflected on his words of wisdom, I began to review an assessment we recently wrote for a client, and was shocked by some of the findings! Why? Let’s take a look at their board’s statistics: