6 Solicitation Statements That Should Never Have Been Uttered
But unfortunately, they were. Be sure to avoid solicitation statements like these, or you’ll end up with nothing! 1. I’m so very, very sorry to call you about the annual giving campaign for Upper Crust High. Many years back I volunteered to assist my children’s school with their parent phonathon. Much to my surprise, theRead More 6 Solicitation Statements That Should Never Have Been Uttered
Challenges in Strengthening Development Programs
Recently we were asked for our thoughts on the many challenges in strengthening development programs that are faced by presidents of emerging public universities. This is an especially critical issue for these leaders as they deal with declining state and federal support and restraints on tuition increases. Given this scenario, increasing the role of philanthropyRead More Challenges in Strengthening Development Programs
Is a Phonathon a Thing of the Past?
Last week, I received no less than 5 calls on my cell phone from a phone number I did not recognize…and, thus, did not answer! Like many Americans, I no longer have a “land line” and rely on my smartphone for my calls. I did recognize the area code and know that the call wasRead More Is a Phonathon a Thing of the Past?
Homecoming And Alumni Donors: Engagement Is Key
Can you believe we’re already halfway through October? Among the things I count as the simple joys of fall are mellow crème pumpkins, crockpot chili, cozy sweaters and boots, and Homecoming weekends! This year was the first I wasn’t able to make it to my college Homecoming reunion, but I still was happy to receiveRead More Homecoming And Alumni Donors: Engagement Is Key
Vigilance in Uncertain Times
Vigilance . . . An appropriate word to describe how those of us who work to strengthen nonprofit organizations should view the future. Why vigilance? Well, bear with me.
How to Deal with a Sticky Situation like a Government Shutdown
Diana Leon-Taylor said recently that, “The nonprofit community serves as the glue that solves a lot of problems in a community.” Leon-Taylor, the President/CEO of the Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington, was referring to the current government shutdown. “Statistics show that any community that has a strong nonprofit sector has a strong economy,” she continued.Read More How to Deal with a Sticky Situation like a Government Shutdown
A Look At The Nonprofit Research Collaborative
Answered questions. What if…you could find out which fundraising methods were working in organizations like yours? Are events up or down? What about direct mail? Should you invest in more proposals to corporations or invest in web site development? These are real questions affecting nonprofit organizations of all types in the U.S. and Canada daily.Read More A Look At The Nonprofit Research Collaborative
That’s How The Pigskin Bounces: Football Season Fundraising
Many of the organizations we work with are colleges and universities, and many of these play intercollegiate football at some level. Several of our current clients are prominent NCAA FBS schools. In fact, 5 of the AP top 10 are current or former clients of Alexander Haas. So what, you ask. I thought this wasRead More That’s How The Pigskin Bounces: Football Season Fundraising
Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility
In September, Sarah Cahan, a senior insights supervisor with Cone Communications’ Research and Insights team, wrote some interesting observations about consumers, companies, charitable causes, and the impact perception gap in the world of CSR. CSR is Corporate Social Responsibility, aka “cause marketing,” where companies and charities partner to create opportunities that allow consumers to feel good,Read More Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility
A Very Bored Board: Managing Expectations
In his post last week, our friend Jim Paglia discussed his experience and work with nonprofit boards. As I reflected on his words of wisdom, I began to review an assessment we recently wrote for a client, and was shocked by some of the findings! Why? Let’s take a look at their board’s statistics: