How to Create a Compelling Case Statement
One billion-dollar campaign at a university printed a book, and cradled it in handmade wooden box… Another produced a glossy, four-color, seventeen-page document on 14x 17 card stock as its case for support… Still another used hand-made paper bolted between copper plates… The collection of case statement materials in our office runs the gamut fromRead More How to Create a Compelling Case Statement
I’m A Volunteer; You Can’t Make Me Do Anything
The headline of this article is an expression I’ve used for over thirty years. Relying on volunteers can lead to misunderstanding, sluggish performance, disappointment, and oftentimes, negative outcomes. Or, volunteers can be the measure that propels a nonprofit organization to its greatest success. In my travels, I meet Executive Directors and CEOs of nonprofits onRead More I’m A Volunteer; You Can’t Make Me Do Anything
Four Factors For A Successful Leadership Annual Giving Program
I recently wrote an article for our TEAM newsletter that outlined the benefits of a well-conceived leadership annual giving program. There are several elements to be considered that will ensure those benefits are realized. This is an important factor in attracting, renewing, and upgrading your donors. Through my experience with our clients and as aRead More Four Factors For A Successful Leadership Annual Giving Program
Great Teachers
Somewhere along the way in school or college most of us have encountered great teachers who made an indelible impression on us. I feel fortunate to have been touched deeply by: A high school physics teacher with the gift of making it a joy to wrestle with complex problems and to learn from failed effortsRead More Great Teachers
2013 Donor Trends
“You know, Jerry, I’ve decided to focus my philanthropic dollars on fewer organizations going forward. I’d prefer giving a larger amount to support two or three organizations rather than giving smaller amounts to numerous groups.” Essentially that was the verbatim comment one organization’s major donor told me recently as I conducted a Campaign Strategy StudyRead More 2013 Donor Trends
Corporate Giving in the Arts
Much buzz has been generated this year about the rising trend in corporate giving and business support. Released earlier this summer, the 2013 Giving USA results brought us news that corporate philanthropy is on the uptick, and the more recent AFTA (Americans for the Arts) survey further supplements those results with the report that businessRead More Corporate Giving in the Arts
What The Heck Is Donor Fatigue?
In recent months we’ve been asked dozens of times by reporters, clients and volunteer leaders about phenomenon of “donor fatigue”. This theory espouses that there are so many fundraising projects underway that donors are stretched to capacity and can no longer support them all. In essence, that donors are “worn out” from too much givingRead More What The Heck Is Donor Fatigue?
The Future of Nonprofits: Reaching Younger Donors
A client told me recently that I am very intuitive, and asked if I was good at “reading tea leaves,” too. As someone who uses tea bags, and not loose tea leaves, I told her that may be difficult for me! The concept stuck with me though, and came up again while I was reviewingRead More The Future of Nonprofits: Reaching Younger Donors
The CEO and Fundraising: Lessons from a Pro
For more than three decades, Michael Adams, now President Emeritus at the University of Georgia in Athens, has practiced the art and craft of fundraising on a near daily basis (weekends included). By the time that Adams turned over the UGA Presidency in June to his successor Jere Morehead, his fundraising accomplishments could fill aRead More The CEO and Fundraising: Lessons from a Pro
Five Principles To Keep In Mind When Running A Hospital Foundation
According to the American College of Healthcare Executives, 77% of healthcare CEOs name financial challenges as their number one concern. With ever-tightening margins from operations and investments, increasing debt, and healthcare reform, private philanthropy remains an attractive option to supplement capital expenditures, special projects, healthcare initiatives or general operations. Hospital foundations have existed for manyRead More Five Principles To Keep In Mind When Running A Hospital Foundation