Five Social Media Tips for Nonprofits
When social media first became a household name, it was January of 2010. A plane had just crashed in the Hudson River and a man named Janis Krums beat the traditional media to telling the story when he snapped a picture and posted it on Twitter. Before that, everyone who extolled the virtues of socialRead More Five Social Media Tips for Nonprofits
Effective Fundraising
Last month, Michael Chatman, maverick philanthropist and host of the Michael Chatman Giving Show, released his second annual list of “America’s Top 40 Most Effective Fundraising Consultants.” Alexander Haas President and CEO, David King, made the list as the only consultant in the top 20 based in the south. I had the opportunity to speakRead More Effective Fundraising
Raising Funds Through Social Media and Crowdfunding
We are asked all the time, “How can we capitalize on all the money being raised on social media?” Like any consultant worth their salt, we answer that question with a question: “What organization are you talking about that raised a lot of money on social media?” What usually follows is silence. And then somethingRead More Raising Funds Through Social Media and Crowdfunding
In Generational Giving, Do Not Discount the Boomers
Ok, I admit it. I’m guilty. If you’re like me, you’re caught up in all of the hype concerning how we as fundraisers try to link our organizations more closely to the Gen X and Gen Y folks. I enjoy technology and new “toys,” so I’m intrigued with all the ways technology is enhancing charitableRead More In Generational Giving, Do Not Discount the Boomers
Social Media for Conferences
Long gone are the days when networking had to be done via telephone, email or in person. Social media provides great ways to meet people, gather information and keep in touch, that were not previously possible. With careful planning and effective use of social media tools, networking can even be easier and more valuable thanRead More Social Media for Conferences
The Case for the Arts
Most of the client work that I do for Alexander Haas is with cultural organizations. Recently, several board members of very well-established cultural organizations have made comments in board meetings that are, unfortunately, not uncommon: “But we aren’t feeding people.” “We aren’t working on the cure for cancer.” “How can we ask people to makeRead More The Case for the Arts
Insights and Outcomes
I have a good friend named Jim Paglia who owns a marketing and branding company called In’s and Out’s. The odd name stands for “insights and outcomes,” which is what Jim prides himself on achieving for his clients – and he does. But recently, I’ve been thinking about those two words in a different context:Read More Insights and Outcomes
Global Giving
Philanthropy to global causes has grown faster than any other non-profit sector. If you immediately think of natural disasters as the reason for this increase, you are partly correct. The 2004 Asian Tsunami and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti were experienced and witnessed all over the world. Technology has collapsed the distances of world events into ourRead More Global Giving
Challenges in Philanthropy
Recently, I was asked what the “silver bullet” was to help an organization reach its goal. Used as a metaphor for an effective single solution (and not as the image of The Lone Ranger’s calling card!), searching for a silver bullet for challenges in philanthropy is almost a pipe dream in today’s world. I hearRead More Challenges in Philanthropy
Corporate Giving Today
A successful fundraising plan should contain strategies for all areas of giving. In recent years, corporate giving has become more prominent, and nonprofits can reap the benefits of a growing corporate philanthropic culture. It definitely is an important area that can’t be overlooked. Companies now have larger budgets for philanthropy than in the past, andRead More Corporate Giving Today