
David King Live on Business RadioX. Sept 2018

David King Live on Business RadioX September 14, 2018 President and CEO David King talks with Atlanta Business RadioX about the tax reform’s expected impact on giving and discusses current trends in philanthropy and nonprofit giving. Listen to the live broadcast here.

4 Ways To Empower Non-Profit Board For Fundraising Success

Nonprofits could not achieve their goals without the collective manpower and connections of their board members. Yet, managing them effectively can be a challenge. Rather than struggling to reign in a troublesome board, here are four ways nonprofit leadership can set their board and organization up for success.

5 Ways Small Nonprofits Can Improve Financial Health

Nonprofits face many of the same challenges as their commercial counterparts. They are under-capitalized, lack reserves to withstand a crisis or act on a special opportunity, and struggle to stay afloat from one pay period to the next.

So, how can small charities overcome these obstacles and improve their financial health?