Capital, Endowment, AND Comprehensive

capital etc

Campaign Strategy Study

If your organization is beginning a fundraising campaign and you are looking for accurate information to determine its feasibility, then our fundraising consultants have the Campaign Strategy Study for you. 

This six-phased fundraising service goes beyond the old feasibility study model and assesses your organization’s external and internal readiness for a successful campaign. It will focus on the following three major areas: 

  1. Case for support 
  2. Leadership
  3. Financial support

Our Campaign Strategy Study provides tangible ways to initiate your campaign rather than simply offering an opinion on its feasibility. In addition, our interviews with your potential donors are conducted openly and honestly, so we can share the facts and reasoning behind our conclusions and recommendations.

Pre-Campaign Counsel​

Contemplating a fundraising campaign for your nonprofit or institution? Not sure how to start? Know how to start but need to equip yourself with a winning strategy? Our consultants can help you pull everything together for a successful campaign launch.

Typically, pre-campaign counseling requires one to six months, depending on the organization’s situation. Our considerations for this fundraising service include understanding relationships with prospective interviewees, their project knowledge, plan status, cost estimates, and other factors.

Capital Campaign Counsel​

A successful campaign requires more than just developing a plan. Execution, monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments are crucial to maintaining momentum and keeping you on course. We also understand how important it is to carry out a campaign without disrupting or jeopardizing annual fundraising programs that are already underway.

No two organizations are the same, so Alexander Haas offers campaign consulting services tailored to your needs to help you succeed. We will work with you to create a plan that considers your unique goals and objectives and provide the resources and support necessary to ensure your success.

Endowment Campaign Counsel

At Alexander Haas, we understand that Endowment Campaigns present a unique set of challenges, not the least of which is effectively communicating the need for endowment and how having an increased endowment with translate into a direct impact on those you serve. In addition, engaging smaller donors in endowment campaigns can be challenging if you don’t have a developed plan for demonstrating that even their relatively small gifts make a big difference. 

The real challenge begins after you’ve developed your endowment plan and communications strategy. It all comes down to executing the plan flawlessly while also staying vigilant and making necessary adjustments to keep things moving forward. Our consultants know how important it is to carry out the campaign without disrupting your ongoing annual fundraising programs.


annual fund

Annual Fund Assessment

Are you struggling to keep up with your yearly fundraising goals? Did you make your marks last year but are unsure how you’ll match or exceed them this time? Are you being asked to raise the amount of money you bring in to cover financial losses in other areas? Do you think your annual fundraising message might be getting stale?

At Alexander Haas, we provide an Annual Fund Assessment among our many fundraising consulting services. Our assessment will give you an in-depth, focused study of your annual fundraising programs. We’ll examine your plans, strategies, messaging, marketing materials, processes, and staff and volunteer structure, focusing on identifying areas where we can help you improve and be more efficient.

THE RESULT: A written action plan for enhancing your annual giving program

Fundraising Counsel

No matter what the fundraising needs are for your nonprofit or institution – whether it’s an Annual Fund, Leadership Annual Giving, Major Gifts, Planned Giving, or all of the above – Alexander Haas can help enhance your results with our fundraising services. If you want to start a new program or if you have an existing one that could benefit from a fresh, experienced, and objective perspective, Alexander Haas can partner with you for success.

We are dedicated to helping organizations achieve their fundraising goals through annual giving and ongoing development programs. We will work with you to create a comprehensive development plan to maximize your organization’s impact. We also specialize in developing annual fundraising plans, identifying potential donors, and developing donor cultivation strategies. With our help, you can achieve your fundraising goals and make a lasting difference. 


On-Going Counsel

We offer ongoing capital campaign management and fundraising consulting services that stick with you through every stage to ensure that your immediate and long-term fundraising goals are met.

Our ongoing campaign counsel and management services include:

  • Development Assessment
  • Major Gift Consulting
  • Annual Fund Consulting
  • Planned Giving Consulting
  • Staff Mentoring
  • CEO Consulting

Development Assessment

Our Development Assessment is often the first step in preparing for significant challenges. These could include new leadership, organizational changes, advancing technology, or even hitting a fundraising plateau. Our fundraising assessment will give you an objective overview of your current fundraising program and internal readiness to take on new challenges and expand your program.

Although an objective analysis of your organization’s fundraising strengths and challenges can be valuable, it is simply a list. 

Therefore, we concentrate on specific suggestions to surmount your operation’s challenges and build upon your strengths. These recommendations give you a blueprint for an immediate and long-range plan of action – and the most effective strategies for success for your institution.

We are proud that most of our clients have put our study recommendations into immediate action – for immediate results.


related services

Board Enhancement

Do you ever find yourself looking forward to Board and Board Committee meetings? A group that functions well is key to any organization’s success. Our fundraising services can assist you in putting strategies in place to improve your board’s composition and performance.

As part of our evaluation, Alexander Haas will review your institution’s bylaws, policies, and minutes from committee and board meetings. We will also conduct personal interviews with board members to understand better the composition and working effectiveness of the board and its committees. 

Do you need your Board to have a clearer understanding of their role in governance? To be more comfortable and effective in fundraising? Maybe an Alexander Hass-led Board Retreat is part of the answer.

Screening, Analytics and Predictive Modeling

A deep understanding of your donors’ giving capacity, interest, affinity towards you, and drivers of behavior can significantly impact the success of all aspects of your development program. Using data to make decisions is an integral part of successful fundraising endeavors.

Data analytics has many potential uses, such as determining how much money a department or project could raise, ranking and scoring potential donors, developing a giving hierarchy, evaluating the prospective donor pool and optimizing segments within it.

Our team customizes its approach to data analytics according to each client’s specific needs. Additionally, we provide specialized modeling services.

Advancement Services

A great deal of fundraising success hinges on effective donor, personnel and data management, often referred to as Advancement Services.  Rather it be data flow, effective reporting, gift officer portfolio creation or rebalancing, fundraiser metrics, effective reporting, coaching or interim staffing, our Advancement Services team can help you to assure that your systems are effectively enhancing and supporting the work of front-line fundraisers.