How to Deal with a Sticky Situation like a Government Shutdown

Diana Leon-Taylor said recently that, “The nonprofit community serves as the glue that solves a lot of problems in a community.”  Leon-Taylor, the President/CEO of the Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington, was referring to the current government shutdown. “Statistics show that any community that has a strong nonprofit sector has a strong economy,” she continued.Read More How to Deal with a Sticky Situation like a Government Shutdown

2013 Donor Trends

“You know, Jerry, I’ve decided to focus my philanthropic dollars on fewer organizations going forward. I’d prefer giving a larger amount to support two or three organizations rather than giving smaller amounts to numerous groups.” Essentially that was the verbatim comment one organization’s major donor told me recently as I conducted a Campaign Strategy StudyRead More 2013 Donor Trends

Challenges in Philanthropy

Recently, I was asked what the “silver bullet” was  to help an organization reach its goal. Used as a metaphor for an effective single solution (and not as the image of The Lone Ranger’s calling card!), searching for a silver bullet for challenges in philanthropy is almost a pipe dream in today’s world. I hearRead More Challenges in Philanthropy