The Ask Amount

By Nancy Peterman, Partner Best practices dictate that a solicitation includes an ask for a specific amount.  How do organizations determine the correct amount?  This is a question that is raised repeatedly in every campaign and frequently in annual giving programs with personal, face-to face solicitations.  It is also one that confounds leadership and volunteers,Read More The Ask Amount

A Non-Response Isn’t A Rejection

By Nancy Peterman, Partner In the world of development much has been written about how many attempts one must make to land a meeting with a donor before throwing in the towel.  Some organizations have specified protocol such as the following: If there is no answer leave voice mail on the first attempt; Call threeRead More A Non-Response Isn’t A Rejection

Rules of Solicitation: The Script

After only 10 minutes into the conversation, the prospect said, “I am satisfied that you have met all the requirements for fundraising success that I requested several months ago. I’m ready to sign and pledge $2 million dollars to this effort.” The two solicitors looked at each other in disbelief. Carefully scripted, they were preparedRead More Rules of Solicitation: The Script

Board Member Giving

Should board members be asked to make a minimum annual fund gift? We are often asked about the wisdom in setting a minimum annual philanthropic gift for the members of the board of directors. Written into many descriptions of board roles and responsibilities is the requirement that a board member make a minimum annual giftRead More Board Member Giving

Endowment Compliance Audits

Institutions which raise funds for endowments need to be mindful of complying with the donor’s intentions long after the gift was made, and often after the fundraiser who closed the gift is gone from the institution. Although agreeing to a donor’s intentions seems to be a straightforward proposition when dealing with one donor and oneRead More Endowment Compliance Audits