Guidelines For Board Members
An executive director was bemoaning the executive committee’s decision to develop guidelines for board engagement. He didn’t have to tell me that the board already had sufficient guidelines in its trusteeship letter of agreement. Typically, guidelines for board engagement are separate from policies governing conflict of interest, ethics, and matters of fiduciary responsibility. Board engagementRead More Guidelines For Board Members
VSE Survey – Giving To Higher Education In America
The annual Voluntary Support to Education (VSE) survey results were released recently, and the annual publication hit my desk this week. Finally, some good news for higher education: Contributions rose nine percent to $33.8 billion. “The total is the highest recorded in the history of the survey. In 2009, voluntary support fell from $31.6 billion,Read More VSE Survey – Giving To Higher Education In America
Stress Management Tips & Techniques For Development Officers
Raising money is a rewarding and fulfilling profession if you ask many of the successful men and women who ask for funds on a daily basis. Nonprofits, whether they are in business to help one individual, one child, one animal, or to transform society, give development officers reasons to be proud and feel purposeful inRead More Stress Management Tips & Techniques For Development Officers
Changing and Challenging Trends in Higher Education — The 4 D’s
The opening panel at the CASE District III conference featured distinguished college and university presidents who talked about the changing and challenging trends in higher education – or, the four D’s. Fortunately these weren’t final grades, but the latest trends in higher education: Demographics, Disruption, Disintermediation, and Dollars. Joe DiPietro, President of the University of Tennessee,Read More Changing and Challenging Trends in Higher Education — The 4 D’s
How to Successfully End a Prospect Meeting
“The meeting just dragged on and on. I just couldn’t bring it to a close. Later, I realized that I had been talking with them for almost two hours. I hope they weren’t as bored as I was.” All of us at one time or another have had a prospect meeting that lasted forever. TheRead More How to Successfully End a Prospect Meeting
6 Solicitation Statements That Should Never Have Been Uttered
But unfortunately, they were. Be sure to avoid solicitation statements like these, or you’ll end up with nothing! 1. I’m so very, very sorry to call you about the annual giving campaign for Upper Crust High. Many years back I volunteered to assist my children’s school with their parent phonathon. Much to my surprise, theRead More 6 Solicitation Statements That Should Never Have Been Uttered
How to Create a Compelling Case Statement
One billion-dollar campaign at a university printed a book, and cradled it in handmade wooden box… Another produced a glossy, four-color, seventeen-page document on 14x 17 card stock as its case for support… Still another used hand-made paper bolted between copper plates… The collection of case statement materials in our office runs the gamut fromRead More How to Create a Compelling Case Statement
Five Principles To Keep In Mind When Running A Hospital Foundation
According to the American College of Healthcare Executives, 77% of healthcare CEOs name financial challenges as their number one concern. With ever-tightening margins from operations and investments, increasing debt, and healthcare reform, private philanthropy remains an attractive option to supplement capital expenditures, special projects, healthcare initiatives or general operations. Hospital foundations have existed for manyRead More Five Principles To Keep In Mind When Running A Hospital Foundation
Global Giving
Philanthropy to global causes has grown faster than any other non-profit sector. If you immediately think of natural disasters as the reason for this increase, you are partly correct. The 2004 Asian Tsunami and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti were experienced and witnessed all over the world. Technology has collapsed the distances of world events into ourRead More Global Giving
How Continuing Education Conference Can Help Build Relationships?
By Nancy Peterman It’s good to catch up with colleagues and make new acquaintances at professional conferences and other events. I attended CASE District III (CASE is the Council for Advancement and Support of Education) earlier this year, and was particularly delighted to see several long-time professionals in attendance who hold cabinet-level development positions, such asRead More How Continuing Education Conference Can Help Build Relationships?