The Case For Planned Giving

Research can be a powerful tool to help us work smarter. It’s a shame that we have so little of it in the world of philanthropy. Thus, it was a delight to see the work of Dr. Russell James III that provides a much-needed longitudinal perspective on planned giving in his book American Charitable BequestRead More The Case For Planned Giving

You “Serve”, But Do You “Give”?

By Katie MacKenzie, Project Coordinator There is a big trend happening in Student Affairs and on college campuses – Service Learning.  Service learning offers students the opportunity to experience out-of-the-classroom learning while reflecting on what it means to give back to the community through service to others. My alma mater is huge on service learning.Read More You “Serve”, But Do You “Give”?

Making the First Gift: The Power of Connection

By Heather H. Thornton I recently made a significant gift to my beloved alma mater, The University of the South. It wasn’t a large gift by any means, nor was it in support of an important campaign or a particular project meaningful to me. So why was this gift so significant, you ask?

Endowment Compliance Audits

Institutions which raise funds for endowments need to be mindful of complying with the donor’s intentions long after the gift was made, and often after the fundraiser who closed the gift is gone from the institution. Although agreeing to a donor’s intentions seems to be a straightforward proposition when dealing with one donor and oneRead More Endowment Compliance Audits

Watch Out For The Motive Police

I love New York: the people, the arts, and all the other things that make it a great city. But right now, I am not very fond of the 26 City Council members who recently demanded that Wal-Mart and The Walton Family Foundation stop making generous gifts to charities in the city. Sounds ludicrous, doesn’tRead More Watch Out For The Motive Police

The Dog Days of Summer Fundraising

It’s the 25th of June—summer has officially just begun—and already Atlanta temperatures have shot into the 90s. Yesterday, my car registered 113 degrees on the Friday afternoon parking lot in Atlanta that is otherwise known as Interstate 285. As I sat on the I-285 Perimeter, I was trying to think of all the things IRead More The Dog Days of Summer Fundraising

The Queen Speaks: Online Honor Rolls

My colleague John Taylor, despite his demurrers, is often called the guru of advancement services. When I asked him last year for some advice on exemplary stewardship programs he immediately recommended I talk with Lynne Wester, Director of Alumni Programs and Engagement at UNC Charlotte: “She’s the Queen of Stewardship.” High praise from a guru.Read More The Queen Speaks: Online Honor Rolls