Giving USA 2019 Results – Giving Reaches Record-Breaking High, But Not Everyone Benefited

Do you feel like giving was up last year? Do you feel like it was down? Well, either way you could be right. According to the findings of Giving USA, 2018 was an uneven year for philanthropy, with some subsectors experiencing significant increases, while others saw significant decreases. It was also a year that sawRead More Giving USA 2019 Results – Giving Reaches Record-Breaking High, But Not Everyone Benefited

3 Keys to Nonprofit Financial Resilience

Last month, the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) wrote about an interesting study conducted by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation in coordination with Fiscal Management Associates (FMA), which works with organizations around issues of capacity building. The subject was how to help nonprofits achieve and maintain financial stability.  Year in and year out, thisRead More 3 Keys to Nonprofit Financial Resilience

Alexander Haas 2018 Year in Review

Even before New Year’s Day, 2018 looked set up to be quite a year. It started off with the implementation of some significant tax law changes that had the potential to really impact the nonprofit sector including the increase in the standard deduction and anticipated “gift bundling” that may result.  In 2018 the U.S. celebratedRead More Alexander Haas 2018 Year in Review

4 Ways To Empower Non-Profit Board For Fundraising Success

Nonprofits could not achieve their goals without the collective manpower and connections of their board members. Yet, managing them effectively can be a challenge. Rather than struggling to reign in a troublesome board, here are four ways nonprofit leadership can set their board and organization up for success.

5 Ways Small Nonprofits Can Improve Financial Health

Nonprofits face many of the same challenges as their commercial counterparts. They are under-capitalized, lack reserves to withstand a crisis or act on a special opportunity, and struggle to stay afloat from one pay period to the next.

So, how can small charities overcome these obstacles and improve their financial health?

David King Live on Business RadioX. April 2018

David King talks with the High Velocity Radio hosts about how to strategically set your donor board up for success, pitfalls to avoid when planning your fundraising budget, and just how Alexander Haas helps “transform institutions that transform lives”.