Global Giving

Philanthropy to global causes has grown faster than any other non-profit sector. If you immediately think of natural disasters as the reason for this increase, you are partly correct. The 2004 Asian Tsunami and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti were experienced and witnessed all over the world. Technology has collapsed the distances of world events into ourRead More Global Giving

Corporate Giving Today

A successful fundraising plan should contain strategies for all areas of giving. In recent years, corporate giving has become more prominent, and nonprofits can reap the benefits of a growing corporate philanthropic culture. It definitely is an important area that can’t be overlooked. Companies now have larger budgets for philanthropy than in the past, andRead More Corporate Giving Today

Giving Trends: The Past Forty Years

By Sandra Kidd The year 1972 was a very big one. Innovations were created and events occurred that would greatly influence the future of our country. In the technology world, the compact disc was introduced by the RCA Company, the first video disc was released by Phillips, the video game market was launched by Atari,Read More Giving Trends: The Past Forty Years

Getting Used to the New Normal

Ok, the worst is behind us!  That is what the overwhelming majority of economists now say about the recession.  Most key indicators have turned upward from their lows, France and Germany just reported that their economies actually experienced growth in the second quarter and US exports are increasing, meaning other nations are feeling some recoveryRead More Getting Used to the New Normal

Keeping Things in Perspective

Last week the Georgia Center for Nonprofits released the results of a survey that indicated that 25 percent of nonprofit organizations in Atlanta reported that donations were down in the first half of 2009.  While that is certainly not good news for the sector and clearly there are organizations who are struggling to meet their budgetedRead More Keeping Things in Perspective