
Potential Impact of the Tax Proposal on Nonprofits

Tax reform legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives with potentially significant implications for the not-for-profit sector, particularly higher education, and especially major college athletic programs.

Turning Bad News into the Best News

The first and most important step is knowing whether or not your organization can attain its fundraising goal. Even if the initial assessment may be bad news, the end result can still be good.

Giving Up, Donors Down

Despite encouraging news that giving in America reached almost $400 billion in 2016, there are signs for concern when it comes to the number of people giving.

Fundraising Metrics – Tracking What Matters

There are so many data points that you can track. So many in fact, that meaningful information may get lost in the noise. More data points do not necessarily yield better results.

Delta State University

Thank you all for everything you have done to bring us to the point where we understand where we are… Dr. William N. LaForge, President

Applying the 10,000 Hour Rule to Fundraising

While working with one of our private school clients, I was reminded of the of the “10,000 Hour Rule”. Some are endowed with “innate talent”…just born with that “it” factor that allows them to be successful in some particular discipline, but it takes practice to really make it happen.

The Meritocracy of Ideas – Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio speaks to an extremely important, but challenging to implement, leadership principle — meritocracy of ideas.  Office politics, organizational hierarchies, tenure in a position or organization all work against this principle.