
Giving USA 2017 Results

The results are in and the Giving USA 2017 report reveals charitable giving hit a record high for the third straight year in 2016, reaching $390.05-billion.

Giving USA 2017: Overview and Analysis

The results are in and the Giving USA 2017 report reveals charitable giving hit a record high for the third straight year in 2016, reaching $390.05-billion.

Step Away from the Keyboard

My Partners at Alexander Haas and I probably sound like broken records because of our continual emphasis on the importance of major gift officers getting out of the office to visit with their prospects. We continue to emphasize the importance on an in-person visit because it is a glaring weakness we see in underperforming programs.

Measuring a Major Gift Officer’s Effectiveness

Accountability. That is the name of the game these days in the world of fundraising.

The stakes are simply too high with an uncertain economy, possible shifts in tax laws pertaining to deductions for gifts to charity, growing competition for the philanthropic dollar and rising costs associated with hiring seasoned professionals with proper skills.

Orlando isn’t the Only Magical Place in Florida

Say “magic” and “Florida” in the same sentence and people think you are talking about Orlando.

However, there is something magical about Pensacola, particularly the University of West Florida’s 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign.

Launched in 2011, the campaign set a stretch goal of $42 million for the quiet phase.

TrendsWatch 2016

The latest edition of CFM’s forecasting report is available as a free pdf download and in print (for $5.99) from the AAM Bookstore.

Giving USA 2016: The Results

On June 14, the Giving USA Foundation released Giving USA 2016, its annual yearbook on giving for the year 2015.