
Brexit Balderdash

  By: David T. Shufflebarger, Senior Partner Thanks to the good work of the Giving USA Foundation and its research partner, the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, we know that giving correlates most positively to the stock market.  So, it is not unreasonable to wonder about the impact on giving when the markets move markedly.Read More Brexit Balderdash

Beat The (Fundraising) Heat

By: W. Milton Key, Jr., Partner Many of you reading this piece will know that, historically, July and August are the slowest months of the year for charitable fundraising, in general.  Many board members and other donors and friends are busy with family commitments or vacations. You may be willing to travel to Aspen, BarRead More Beat The (Fundraising) Heat

University of Connecticut

Working with Alexander Haas was a pleasure! I would recommend your work and firm without… Joshua Newton, UCONN

He’s Just Not That Into You

By: Elizabeth Smith, Project Coordinator He’s just not that into you…the worst words for a single girl to hear after going on what she thought was a successful date. We all know you can’t always salvage a relationship when there is no chemistry, but what about donors? What do you do if they are notRead More He’s Just Not That Into You

David ‘Shuff’ Shufflebarger, Senior Partner at Alexander Haas

Book recommendation: The Raising of Money: Thirty-Five Essentials Every Trustee Should Know by James Gregory Lord Personal habit that contributes to success: Work ethic. “The harder you work, the luckier you get.” Ice breaker for new donor prospect: Ask about their life story in terms of the organization. “Tell me how you became involved with (organization).” Best piece of adviceRead More David ‘Shuff’ Shufflebarger, Senior Partner at Alexander Haas

BONUS: Giving USA Results 2016

Alexander Haas in partnership with the Association of Fundraising Professionals Atlanta Chapter present Giving USA Results 2016 David King, President and CEO of Alexander Haas Tuesday, June 22, 2016

A History of Modern Philanthropy

By: Jerry W. Henry, Partner I’ve always been a history buff.  But, a new website has piqued my interest in a way that combines my love of history and my interest in philanthropy. A History of Modern Philanthropy, found at www.HistoryOfGiving.org, is an interactive website that takes a look at philanthropy since the 1500’s.  OrganizedRead More A History of Modern Philanthropy