
How to Lose a Donor in 10 Days

By: Elizabeth Smith, Project Coordinator  One of my favorite movies is How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days; it is a classic rom-com that is perfect for rainy days and a glass of wine. In the movie, Andi (played by Kate Hudson) attempts every dating faux pas in the book to get her beauRead More How to Lose a Donor in 10 Days

Campaigning Your Mission

By: Jerry W. Henry, Partner Have you noticed that the political season is in full swing? How could you miss it?  It seems that the candidates for President of the United States are showing up everywhere!  They are carrying their messages directly to the people and trying to help individual voters feel a close personalRead More Campaigning Your Mission

Lead With Your Mission

By: Mark Belcher, Partner How often have you decided to accept a gift from a donor that is designated for a “new” program?  Nearly every development office has faced this opportunity in a climate when every gift seems like a step closer towards achieving our development goals. I recently heard that a very established organizationRead More Lead With Your Mission

Increasing Meeting Productivity

By: Heather Thornton, Project Manager Have you ever been in a meeting that seemed to drag on and on, with no end in sight?  Or perhaps you may have participated in a call that was not so much long as it was unproductive?  I was recently involved in a volunteer effort which required weekly conferenceRead More Increasing Meeting Productivity