
Endowment Compliance Audits

Institutions which raise funds for endowments need to be mindful of complying with the donor’s intentions long after the gift was made, and often after the fundraiser who closed the gift is gone from the institution. Although agreeing to a donor’s intentions seems to be a straightforward proposition when dealing with one donor and oneRead More Endowment Compliance Audits

Watch Out For The Motive Police

I love New York: the people, the arts, and all the other things that make it a great city. But right now, I am not very fond of the 26 City Council members who recently demanded that Wal-Mart and The Walton Family Foundation stop making generous gifts to charities in the city. Sounds ludicrous, doesn’tRead More Watch Out For The Motive Police

The Dog Days of Summer Fundraising

It’s the 25th of June—summer has officially just begun—and already Atlanta temperatures have shot into the 90s. Yesterday, my car registered 113 degrees on the Friday afternoon parking lot in Atlanta that is otherwise known as Interstate 285. As I sat on the I-285 Perimeter, I was trying to think of all the things IRead More The Dog Days of Summer Fundraising

Guidelines For Board Members

An executive director was bemoaning the executive committee’s decision to develop guidelines for board engagement. He didn’t have to tell me that the board already had sufficient guidelines in its trusteeship letter of agreement. Typically, guidelines for board engagement are separate from policies governing conflict of interest, ethics, and matters of fiduciary responsibility. Board engagementRead More Guidelines For Board Members

The Face of Philanthropy

A regular feature of the Chronicle of Philanthropy – usually about three pages in – is ‘The Face of Philanthropy,’ with a marvelous photograph effectively illustrating the impact of a not-for-profit program. Two faces came to mind the other day when I received an email about a fundraising event from Debbie Jeter, CEO and CofounderRead More The Face of Philanthropy

Preemptive Philanthropy

Preemptive philanthropy: Perhaps you’ve experienced something like this. The lead prospect for a major gift has been invited to a meeting. Following pleasantries and “small talk,” the board chair and the executive director begin sharing with the prospective donor their description of the organization’s plans for its capital campaign. They are just beginning to approachRead More Preemptive Philanthropy

Philanthropy: Dance The Dance

I am struck how often development officers fail to follow-through with conversations about gift commitments when opportunities present themselves. This came to mind very recently during a conversation with the chief development officer for a college whose university we are serving. Here’s the background: This officer was recruiting volunteers to serve on the college’s campaignRead More Philanthropy: Dance The Dance