Passionate Philanthropy
Passionate Philanthropy Starts With A Case Worthy Of Support. A wordsmith might argue that passionate philanthropy is redundant. After all, isn’t philanthropy in its essence the ‘love of humankind’ and isn’t ‘love’ a passion? Nevertheless, all of us have probably seen or heard a case for giving delivered dispassionately. Sometimes the case is so compellingRead More Passionate Philanthropy
How to Make Philanthropy Count
A frequent dilemma faced by Presidents and Chancellors in American higher education is how they can use the role of philanthropy to meet financial challenges. We were recently asked by some board members for suggestions for how to make philanthropy count. The easiest way, of course, is to increase the budget support for advancement, butRead More How to Make Philanthropy Count
Encouraging the Global Growth of Philanthropy
By Jerry Henry Who said this?: “To give away money is an easy matter, and in any person’s power. But to decide to whom to give it, and how large and when, and for what purpose and how, is neither in everyone’s power, nor an easy matter. Hence it is that such excellence is rare,Read More Encouraging the Global Growth of Philanthropy
Build Relationships: The Foundation of Fundraising
By David King Last week, I spoke with a development officer who had been tasked by his board to find a consulting firm that would do their fundraising for them. He wanted to hire our firm (or several firms) to solicit major gifts from donors, particularly from those whom we already have relationships they mayRead More Build Relationships: The Foundation of Fundraising
Giving Trends: The Past Forty Years
By Sandra Kidd The year 1972 was a very big one. Innovations were created and events occurred that would greatly influence the future of our country. In the technology world, the compact disc was introduced by the RCA Company, the first video disc was released by Phillips, the video game market was launched by Atari,Read More Giving Trends: The Past Forty Years
Donor Cultivation Practices: To Fish or Farm?
By Jerry Henry Although I’ve spent a majority of my adult life in small cities and large metropolitan areas, I was born and raised on a small family farm in rural South Carolina. My roots are deep in crop farming – I was even a member of the Future Farmers of American in junior highRead More Donor Cultivation Practices: To Fish or Farm?
Leadership Giving: A Key Element For Development Success
By Arthur Criscillis In most organizations, a tremendous amount of time and attention is devoted to principal, major and planned giving programs. Why? Because they tend to generate gifts with the greatest impact on colleges and universities – in addition to fueling high campaign goals. However, because of the focus on major and planned givingRead More Leadership Giving: A Key Element For Development Success
How Continuing Education Conference Can Help Build Relationships?
By Nancy Peterman It’s good to catch up with colleagues and make new acquaintances at professional conferences and other events. I attended CASE District III (CASE is the Council for Advancement and Support of Education) earlier this year, and was particularly delighted to see several long-time professionals in attendance who hold cabinet-level development positions, such asRead More How Continuing Education Conference Can Help Build Relationships?
Maintaining Your Development Plan: There’s No Time Like the Present
By Jerry Henry An organization we are working with is seeking to raise funds for “deferred maintenance.” For a while now, the Board has delayed installing a new roof and updating its heating and air systems, as well as taking care of other physical plant needs. Instead, they have taken a “Band-Aid” approach of justRead More Maintaining Your Development Plan: There’s No Time Like the Present
Advancement Services – Reach Your Fundraising Goals Faster
By John Taylor Quite often, I am hired to go in and “fix” an Advancement Services department. Usually, the fundraising office brings me in, with the suggestion the Advancement Services unit is broken. What I find is it is not the department that is broken, but how the organization has (or has not!) allocated resources,Read More Advancement Services – Reach Your Fundraising Goals Faster