
How to Make the Case for Donations

By Arthur Criscillis Cash is king – without it you wouldn’t be able to provide the programs and services your nonprofit offers. But why should people give you their hard-earned money? Effective fundraisers are able to answer this question every time they ask for a gift and make the case for donations. I often hearRead More How to Make the Case for Donations

Fundraising is Making a Comeback!

By David King, President & CEO With the release of Giving USA we get confirmation the philanthropic recovery from the recent recession is continuing, and outpacing the overall economic recovery. The figures released today show giving increased 3.5 percent in 2012 over 2011, just slightly ahead of the inflation rate, but far ahead of theRead More Fundraising is Making a Comeback!

Nonprofit Financial Planning: Dealing with Major Expenditures

By Jerry Henry, Partner Nonprofit financial planning typically includes where you’ll raise money, which grants you’ll apply for, whether you’ll do events, and how you’ll spend that money. You think about the things that affect the organization’s mission: Programs, personnel, and direct services. What you don’t plan for are the major expenditures no one wantsRead More Nonprofit Financial Planning: Dealing with Major Expenditures

Best Practices In Prospecting

by Nancy E. Peterman, Partner Some of us remember when our only option for prioritizing and understanding our prospects was a peer review session-a long, tedious meeting with a small, select group of our most loyal and successful donors staring at lists of names. Such feedback was invaluable then and now, as it helped usRead More Best Practices In Prospecting

Experience Counts

by Sandra K. Kidd,Senior Partner   Younger patrons seem permanently attached to their smartphones, they are tech-savvy, they follow the interests of their friends (both real life ones and of the Facebook variety), and you have a lot of competition out there for their attention and their attendance. But whether they find their way toRead More Experience Counts

Campaigns and Strategic Planning

By Nancy Peterman, Partner A successful campaign is built upon a compelling case for support. We are often called upon to help clients craft a case when they are in the initial stages of contemplating a campaign. Those institutions that have just concluded or updated their strategic plan are in the best position to beginRead More Campaigns and Strategic Planning

A Collector’s Eye-and Heart

By Sandra Kidd, Partner Last year, the world of art and artists lost a friend when Herbert Vogel , noted collector of minimal and conceptual art, died at age 89 in New York City. For half a decade, Herbert Vogel and his wife Dorothy-or “Dorothy and Herb” as they liked to be known-steadily acquired a collection ofRead More A Collector’s Eye-and Heart