Endowing the Arts

Do you know how to talk about endowments?
Here are a few facts to help you brush up your endowment IQ.

Team Member Spotlight: Judy Anderson

Meet Judy Anderson, Project Director for Alexander Haas! In this month’s Team Member Spotlight, Judy shares what she loves about working with museums and arts organizations, current industry trends and what brought her to Alexander Haas. 

5 Ways Small Nonprofits Can Improve Financial Health

Nonprofits face many of the same challenges as their commercial counterparts. They are under-capitalized, lack reserves to withstand a crisis or act on a special opportunity, and struggle to stay afloat from one pay period to the next.

So, how can small charities overcome these obstacles and improve their financial health?

A Conversation about Community Engagement Curators

An increasing number of museums and cultural centers are adding community engagement curators (CECs) to their staffs to build two-way conversations about how to make our work more relevant to our neighbors and to give them a voice in what we do within and outside the museum walls.


O.K., so it’s not really fake news. But most folks keeping up on current events over the last year would think colleges are hoarding millions and even billions of dollars that could be used to help students and their families offset the increasing cost to attend. Although that is not the case…

David King Live on Business RadioX. April 2018

David King talks with the High Velocity Radio hosts about how to strategically set your donor board up for success, pitfalls to avoid when planning your fundraising budget, and just how Alexander Haas helps “transform institutions that transform lives”.