TrendsWatch 2016

The latest edition of CFM’s forecasting report is available as a free pdf download and in print (for $5.99) from the AAM Bookstore.

Giving USA 2016: The Results

On June 14, the Giving USA Foundation released Giving USA 2016, its annual yearbook on giving for the year 2015.

Alabama Higher Education Clients Recognized

Alexander Haas fundraising experts congratulate our current and alumni clients’ fundraising success as reported in the Birmingham Business Journal (Jan. 27 2016). Current Higher Education Fundraising Clients: Auburn University, Spring Hill College; Alumni Clients -Judson College, University of Alabama-Birmingham. Access the Full Article Here

Investing in Staff: Options for the Performing Arts

Investing in your staff is an important way to invest in the future of your organization. Funding staff development doesn’t have to be expensive; there are many cost-effective options. Here are some creative options for the performing arts sector: Theatre Communications Group, the League of American Orchestras and the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Introducing Museum Leadership Day for Directors & Trustees at 2015 SEMC

Alexander Haas is teaming with the Southeastern Museum Conference (SEMC) and the Museum Trustee Association (MTA) to present a special Museum Leadership Day October 12 at the 2015 SEMC Conference, Creating a Collective Vision, in Jacksonville, FL. For the full program visit Special registration for museum trustees at

Giving USA 2015 Report Released

Americans gave an estimated $358.38-billion to charity in 2014, surpassing the peak last seen before the 2008 Great Recession. That total slightly exceeded the benchmark year in 2007, when giving hit an estimated inflation-adjusted total of $355.17-billion. On June 16, the Giving USA Foundation released Giving USA 2015, its annual yearbook on nonprofit giving for the year 2014.Read More Giving USA 2015 Report Released

Build and Retain Your Donor Base

The Wallace Foundation has been a leader in the field of research and study of effective audience building tactics and strategies for nonprofit fundraising. Since 2002, the Fund has supported innovation in audience building through its grants to over 54 performing arts groups across the country. This year, with researcher Bob Harlow, they have published The Road toRead More Build and Retain Your Donor Base