Lead With Your Mission

By: Mark Belcher, Partner How often have you decided to accept a gift from a donor that is designated for a “new” program?  Nearly every development office has faced this opportunity in a climate when every gift seems like a step closer towards achieving our development goals. I recently heard that a very established organizationRead More Lead With Your Mission

Six Degrees of Fundraising

It happened to me again yesterday in a meeting. I had traveled to another city conduct a Campaign Strategy Study with a young couple. Before even sitting down in their living room, I was quizzing the couple about their professional backgrounds, their connection to the organization – warm up questions – when I happened to mentionRead More Six Degrees of Fundraising

Making A Measurable Difference

“It is more difficult to give away money intelligently than to earn it in the first place.”  Thus said Andrew Carnegie in his 1889 essay, The Gospel of Wealth. I was reminded of this quote by some students whom I had the good fortune to encounter on a cold January day in a warm classroom.Read More Making A Measurable Difference

The Power of “For”

I was at an educational session recently where the topic was nonprofit financing.  It was a robust discussion about the use of capital, creation of endowments, financing growth, etc.  The primary focus of the speaker was on the area of “growth capital” and the idea that, perhaps, too much of the equity in the nonprofitRead More The Power of “For”

How to Deal with a Sticky Situation like a Government Shutdown

Diana Leon-Taylor said recently that, “The nonprofit community serves as the glue that solves a lot of problems in a community.”  Leon-Taylor, the President/CEO of the Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington, was referring to the current government shutdown. “Statistics show that any community that has a strong nonprofit sector has a strong economy,” she continued.Read More How to Deal with a Sticky Situation like a Government Shutdown

Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility

In September, Sarah Cahan, a senior insights supervisor with Cone Communications’ Research and Insights team, wrote some interesting observations about consumers, companies, charitable causes, and the impact perception gap in the world of CSR. CSR is Corporate Social Responsibility, aka “cause marketing,” where companies and charities partner to create opportunities that allow consumers to feel good,Read More Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility

Great Teachers

Somewhere along the way in school or college most of us have encountered great teachers who made an indelible impression on us. I feel fortunate to have been touched deeply by: A high school physics teacher with the gift of making it a joy to wrestle with complex problems and to learn from failed effortsRead More Great Teachers

Nonprofit Financial Planning: Dealing with Major Expenditures

By Jerry Henry, Partner Nonprofit financial planning typically includes where you’ll raise money, which grants you’ll apply for, whether you’ll do events, and how you’ll spend that money. You think about the things that affect the organization’s mission: Programs, personnel, and direct services. What you don’t plan for are the major expenditures no one wantsRead More Nonprofit Financial Planning: Dealing with Major Expenditures