David King Live on Business RadioX. April 2018

David King talks with the High Velocity Radio hosts about how to strategically set your donor board up for success, pitfalls to avoid when planning your fundraising budget, and just how Alexander Haas helps “transform institutions that transform lives”.

Best of Web: Social Media and Nonprofit Organizations

The recently published 2018 Global NGO Technology Report includes a survey of more than 5,300 NGOs across 164 counties. In its third year of publication, the report reveals how organizations—large and small—use multi-channel communications.

3 Steps To A Successful Grateful Patient Program

How do you effectively communicate the need for funding in a way that motivates donors to contribute?

One of the most natural methods, and the one that often yields the best return, involves tapping into patients who have received services from your hospital and are pleased with the care.

3 Ways to Keep Your Donors Coming Back

What influences donors to come back year after year to your organization? Let’s take a look at the top three reasons donors cite for giving in the “2017 U.S. Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth”, and how you can use this knowledge to keep your donors loyal to your organization.

The How and Why of Data and Digital Giving with Quinetha Frasier

Giving has changed. Many of us have phone in hand most of the day and spend hours in front of our computers. Quinetha Frasier joins the podcast to share how MyPledger is making the switch to digital giving easier, for both organizations and donors, and why tracking the success of campaigns through data is essential.

We May Have Dodged A Bullet, But The Arts Battle Wages On…

The last few months, my inbox has been inundated with messages for many organizations that I care for deeply. Their message was clear: if you care about the arts and humanities in America, let your elected officials know that you oppose cutting the national budgets that support the arts, creativity and human endeavors.

Minding Millenials

By: David Shufflebarger MINDING MILLENIALS I have the impression that a lot of folks over 35 are dismissive of millennials, putting them out of their mind because of some preconceived notions such as ‘entitled, unreliable, or glued to their screens.’ Thus I was struck by this confluence of headlines over a couple of weeks inRead More Minding Millenials