BoardSource Tips – Lead With Intent | What’s Your Board Score?

BoardSource, the go-to resource for all things related to good board service and governance, this month released its annual “National Index of Nonprofit Board Practices.” BoardSource has been collecting and analyzing trends in board practices since 1994 and it is the only national survey to gather information from both chief executives and board chairs regardingRead More BoardSource Tips – Lead With Intent | What’s Your Board Score?

How To Engage Your Volunteers

Among the joys of what development folks do is the opportunity to work with some extraordinarily good and generous people. We get to help them make a difference with their gifts and see their joy in having an impact on lives. I am persuaded that many of them would give more than just their moneyRead More How To Engage Your Volunteers

Board Member Giving

Should board members be asked to make a minimum annual fund gift? We are often asked about the wisdom in setting a minimum annual philanthropic gift for the members of the board of directors. Written into many descriptions of board roles and responsibilities is the requirement that a board member make a minimum annual giftRead More Board Member Giving

Learning Leadership

At Butler, a Corporate Way to Manage Change and Groom New Leaders, an article in the August 1 edition of The Chronicle of Higher Education, made for a fascinating read, and not just because Butler University is a former client. These are challenging times for the not for profit sector as we emerge from theRead More Learning Leadership

Guidelines For Board Members

An executive director was bemoaning the executive committee’s decision to develop guidelines for board engagement. He didn’t have to tell me that the board already had sufficient guidelines in its trusteeship letter of agreement. Typically, guidelines for board engagement are separate from policies governing conflict of interest, ethics, and matters of fiduciary responsibility. Board engagementRead More Guidelines For Board Members