
Text Giving Popular

Donors, particularly millennial donors, are becoming more comfortable with giving via text message, according to a new survey. Asked to rank their favorite method for making a charitable gift, respondents to the third annual Text Donation Study chose text giving as the most preferred method, giving it an average score of 3.46 out of 4 — upRead More Text Giving Popular

Stewardship 10 Pointers

At Alexander Haas, we have seen and are seeing a number of examples where stewardship helps in building a culture of philanthropy. Our Managing Partner Arthur Criscillis makes the point that good stewardship involves four key components: acknowledging the gift, recognizing the donor, telling the donor how the gift was used, and engaging the donor.Read More Stewardship 10 Pointers

Report on Funding Cuts to the Arts

Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA), a national association of private and public funders, this spring issued the 2013 Update on Public Funding for the Arts, which confirmed what many organizations have experienced: state county and city budget support has slowed, and uncertainty of federal funding has affected the level of local appropriations. For more information aboutRead More Report on Funding Cuts to the Arts

Who Does Giving Benefit the Most?

According to The Washington Post’s Wonkblog, subsidizing giving through tax deductions benefits the rich but ends up costing charities and the government.

Proposed Changes to Charitable Tax Deductions

The House Ways and Means Committee released a 558-page report that provides details of how nonprofit organizations could be affected by the various proposal for limiting or changing the charitable tax deduction.

Majority of Large Gifts Made by Local Donors

The new report from the William B. Hanrahan Fellowship at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy offers an in-depth analysis of publicly announced charitable donations of $1 million and above given to 12 different types of recipient organizations during the period between 2000 and 2011.

Charities Optimistic

According to a new survey, more than seven in 10 nonprofits expect their donations to increase this year, even amid a challenging economic and political climate.