Giving USA 2019 Results – Giving Reaches Record-Breaking High, But Not Everyone Benefited

Do you feel like giving was up last year? Do you feel like it was down? Well, either way you could be right. According to the findings of Giving USA, 2018 was an uneven year for philanthropy, with some subsectors experiencing significant increases, while others saw significant decreases. It was also a year that sawRead More Giving USA 2019 Results – Giving Reaches Record-Breaking High, But Not Everyone Benefited

No Good Gift Goes Unpunished

Not 24 hours after the announcement of the world’s largest gift to higher education, there were those eager to criticize it. “Wait, Is Bloomberg’s $1.8-Billion Donation to Johns Hopkins a Good Thing?” screamed the headline in the November 20th issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education.  Michael R. Bloomberg’s gift will enable the University toRead More No Good Gift Goes Unpunished

Orlando isn’t the Only Magical Place in Florida

Say “magic” and “Florida” in the same sentence and people think you are talking about Orlando.

However, there is something magical about Pensacola, particularly the University of West Florida’s 50th Anniversary Capital Campaign.

Launched in 2011, the campaign set a stretch goal of $42 million for the quiet phase.

Fostering Young Alumni Donors

By Heather Thornton, Project Coordinator The other day, I received a holiday email from my alma mater which promoted me to put “make year-end gift to Sewanee” on my to-do list.  Being in the fundraising field and working with higher education institutions on a daily basis, it also got me thinking about my relationship withRead More Fostering Young Alumni Donors

Liberal Arts Lessons From Sweet Briar

By: Meggan Arp, Ph.D., MBA, Marketing Coordinator Over a year after the alumnae of Sweet Briar College stymied a plan to close their institution, the College’s resilience is manifest with positive results: Sweet Briar has exceeded its fundraising goals for the 2016 fiscal year, raised $10.25 million in 10 months, balanced the budget without touching itsRead More Liberal Arts Lessons From Sweet Briar

Doing Right By Donors

By: David T. Shufflebarger, Senior Partner Two stewardship incidents stick vividly in my mind even though they were 25 and 35 years ago. Both times I was mad as hell. The first involved a large program endowment and an aggressive Dean. We had a very good investment year and wound up in the top 10Read More Doing Right By Donors

This Was Their Fight Song

By: Elizabeth Smith, Project Coordinator This summer, Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song” became the anthem of so many women across the country. The song empowers women to stand up and fight whatever is going on in their lives and to be strong. This summer, I had the honor to fight for something – Sweet Briar College.Read More This Was Their Fight Song