Let It Go!

I finally gave in! Over the holidays, I sat down to view Disney’s animated hit movie “Frozen” in the comfort and privacy of my own home.  My youngest great-niece convinced me that it would be worth my time – and it was! In fact, I’ve watched it two other times since. For nearly a yearRead More Let It Go!

Crossing Nonprofit Borders

There has been much discussion recently about the crossing of borders. In the nonprofit world, we see another border that is being blurred: the distinction between different nonprofit segments.   We recently reported that giving to human services organizations has been flat compared with other sub-sectors and their growth spurts.   What can this mean?Read More Crossing Nonprofit Borders

Is The Donor Universe Shrinking?

Scientists have argued for years over whether or not the universe is expanding or shrinking. With the recent arrival of the Giving USA statistics for 2013, many nonprofit leaders are asking the same question about another type of universe –the “universe” of prospective donors to our non-profit organizations. For some of these leaders, there mayRead More Is The Donor Universe Shrinking?

Preemptive Philanthropy

Preemptive philanthropy: Perhaps you’ve experienced something like this. The lead prospect for a major gift has been invited to a meeting. Following pleasantries and “small talk,” the board chair and the executive director begin sharing with the prospective donor their description of the organization’s plans for its capital campaign. They are just beginning to approachRead More Preemptive Philanthropy

Six Degrees of Fundraising

It happened to me again yesterday in a meeting. I had traveled to another city conduct a Campaign Strategy Study with a young couple. Before even sitting down in their living room, I was quizzing the couple about their professional backgrounds, their connection to the organization – warm up questions – when I happened to mentionRead More Six Degrees of Fundraising

Making A Measurable Difference

“It is more difficult to give away money intelligently than to earn it in the first place.”  Thus said Andrew Carnegie in his 1889 essay, The Gospel of Wealth. I was reminded of this quote by some students whom I had the good fortune to encounter on a cold January day in a warm classroom.Read More Making A Measurable Difference

Tis the Season of Giving Thanks

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me like the holiday season began back in September this year. There were ornaments on sale before my Labor Day leftovers were gone, the halls were decked before Halloween arrived, and the traffic around Lenox and Phipps has been gridlocked since October. Also of note, I’veRead More Tis the Season of Giving Thanks