Nonprofit Financial Planning: Dealing with Major Expenditures

By Jerry Henry, Partner Nonprofit financial planning typically includes where you’ll raise money, which grants you’ll apply for, whether you’ll do events, and how you’ll spend that money. You think about the things that affect the organization’s mission: Programs, personnel, and direct services. What you don’t plan for are the major expenditures no one wantsRead More Nonprofit Financial Planning: Dealing with Major Expenditures

Three Points to Hammer Home

By Jerry Henry, Partner “For many that rely on philanthropy…this is not just a tough year. This is going to be a tough era.”–Patrick Rooney, Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University “Ugh! What’s our organization supposed to do?” one client asked dejectedly upon reading the statement above in a recent publication based on the 2012 GivingRead More Three Points to Hammer Home

“One Size Fits All”

By: Jerry Henry,Partner “One Size Fits All.” That’s the clothing tag on the collar of my bathrobe. However, I must disagree with the designer. You see, I’m 5′ 7″ tall (or short, as the case may be) and the sleeves of the bathrobe are entirely too long for me. The length is fine-mid-calf, if you mustRead More “One Size Fits All”