American Donors Didn’t Quit

Today, June 10, the Giving USA Foundation released Giving USA 2009, its annual yearbook on giving for the year 2008. Although the book will not be released until August, Alexander Haas has advance access to this information. As an annual tradition our Firm shared these findings and our analysis of them on  the day the data is released by the Foundation. AllRead More American Donors Didn’t Quit

Let the Donors Decide

Over the past several weeks we have been telling people “it’s the donors’ money, shouldn’t we let them decide what they want to do with it?” This has largely been in response to boards and staff who believe that the economy is bad so they should not ask anyone to give. But even if manyRead More Let the Donors Decide

Donor Fatigue?

We hear a lot about “donor fatigue” these days.  It has become a great excuse to sit pat and not move forward.  The thing is, in our experience, it really does not exist.  Donors do not get tired of giving, they get tired of being asked to give to organizations that they are not closely connected to andRead More Donor Fatigue?

The Tax Man Cometh

On this April 15 many Americans are thinking about taxes. I too am thinking about taxes and how taxes and the proposed changes in tax law will impact the landscape of charitable giving. It has been proposed that the charitable deduction of gifts by individuals with adjusted gross incomes above $200,000 be capped at 28%,Read More The Tax Man Cometh