
3 Ways to Start Your Search for Fundraising Counsel

The first task is to identify a pool of firms to begin the selection process.  There are a number of resources for identifying firms, but before you start looking, you need to decide what you are looking for.

Giving Is Bad? NOT!!!

I was somewhat taken aback last month by a Washington Post book review of David Callahan’s THE GIVERS: Wealth, Power, and Philanthropy In a New Gilded Age. (Callahan recently gave an interview on 1A with the AVP of the Rockefeller Foundation and the CEO of the Casey Foundation. You can hear the interview/discussion HERE.) TheRead More Giving Is Bad? NOT!!!

We May Have Dodged A Bullet, But The Arts Battle Wages On…

The last few months, my inbox has been inundated with messages for many organizations that I care for deeply. Their message was clear: if you care about the arts and humanities in America, let your elected officials know that you oppose cutting the national budgets that support the arts, creativity and human endeavors.

Different Is Good: The Alexander Haas Experience

At Alexander Haas, we work as a team.  Clients work with more than one consultant; in fact, each client has a team behind him or her working together to further the mission of the organization. 

It’s All About The Data

By John H. Taylor, Partner It seems that it was only 20 years ago that we felt that the only data we needed to effectively solicit donors and recruit volunteers was knowing where they lived and a home phone number.  Cell phone?  In 1997, I was the proud owner of a “bag phone”!  Gosh, thatRead More It’s All About The Data