
A Simple Thank You

I recently started volunteering at an organization in Atlanta in order to get involved in the community. It wasn’t until I had a horrible experience with their volunteer services that I thought about discontinuing my giving to the organization. From the mismanagement of the volunteers to the lack of gratitude, I was angry and never wantedRead More A Simple Thank You

Giving In Our Community

At National Philanthropy Day, presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Association of Fundraising Professionals earlier this fall, Alicia Philipp, President of The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, shared a statistic reported in the Chronicle of Philanthropy: Atlanta ranks as the 4th most generous community among the top 50 metro areas in the country. In addition,Read More Giving In Our Community

Dancing With A Donor’s Ego: A How To

By Jarrad Howard, Campaign Strategy Study Coordinator In a meeting with a potential donor, whether they are a new donor or a constant supporter of your organization, I have found that these meetings are never one-on-one. The parties in attendance are always you, your donor…and your donor’s ego. Although uninvited, the ego is ever presentRead More Dancing With A Donor’s Ego: A How To

The Case For Planned Giving

Research can be a powerful tool to help us work smarter. It’s a shame that we have so little of it in the world of philanthropy. Thus, it was a delight to see the work of Dr. Russell James III that provides a much-needed longitudinal perspective on planned giving in his book American Charitable BequestRead More The Case For Planned Giving

Who’s In Your Donor Database?

Every few months my mailbox (the real one) gets stuffed with alumni magazines from colleges and independent schools to whom for one reason or another I made a gift. These gifts were several years ago and I am not a repeat donor. I am a classic aging SYBUNT that is just sucking up marketing andRead More Who’s In Your Donor Database?