Boosting Morale is Simple but Not Easy

In every organization, people are undoubtedly the most important resource. The energy of a happy, healthy work environment can serve as a great recruitment and retention tool, as well as improve overall productivity and creativity. Conversely, low morale can zap the energy and productivity out of a team. In the world of advancement, we oftenRead More Boosting Morale is Simple but Not Easy

Alexander Haas 2018 Year in Review

Even before New Year’s Day, 2018 looked set up to be quite a year. It started off with the implementation of some significant tax law changes that had the potential to really impact the nonprofit sector including the increase in the standard deduction and anticipated “gift bundling” that may result.  In 2018 the U.S. celebratedRead More Alexander Haas 2018 Year in Review

Best of the Web: Software Replacement

This post will not discuss specific vendors or products. No doubt you already know what I am talking about simply because you are hearing from your current vendor. Rather, I want to focus on whether you need to change at all.

Minding Millenials

By: David Shufflebarger MINDING MILLENIALS I have the impression that a lot of folks over 35 are dismissive of millennials, putting them out of their mind because of some preconceived notions such as ‘entitled, unreliable, or glued to their screens.’ Thus I was struck by this confluence of headlines over a couple of weeks inRead More Minding Millenials

Meaningful Metrics

By: David T. Shufflebarger, Senior Partner You may have heard the phrase, “What gets measured gets done.” It’s variously attributed to Peter Drucker, Lord Kelvin, and the Renaissance astronomer Rheticus (the sole pupil of Nicolaus Copernicus). Its original version was, “If you can measure it, you can manage it.”  Measuring it, of course, doesn’t meanRead More Meaningful Metrics

Where The Wild Things Are

By: Elizabeth Smith, Project Coordinator Have you ever had a runaway committee member who hijacks the meetings and goes on never-ending tangents that cause the meeting to run over? If so, you have experienced a Wild Thing. In my experience with Wild Things, they have passion for the organization and excitement for the project, butRead More Where The Wild Things Are

Double Check! It’ll Save Your Neck!

By: Katie MacKenzie, Project Coordinator I’ve recently begun working with a client whose campaign reporting figures are…well….how to put it nicely….never accurate. And, I don’t mean a mistake here or there, every campaign update report we receive has multiple errors and each time I receive the report, it takes me quite a bit of timeRead More Double Check! It’ll Save Your Neck!