David King Live on Business RadioX. April 2018

David King talks with the High Velocity Radio hosts about how to strategically set your donor board up for success, pitfalls to avoid when planning your fundraising budget, and just how Alexander Haas helps “transform institutions that transform lives”.

3 Ways to Keep Your Donors Coming Back

What influences donors to come back year after year to your organization? Let’s take a look at the top three reasons donors cite for giving in the “2017 U.S. Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth”, and how you can use this knowledge to keep your donors loyal to your organization.

A Step-by-Step Guide For Notifying Fundraising Counsel

The final stage – notifying candidates of your decision – appears obvious. However, in their eagerness to begin work with the firm they’ve selected, some organizations fail to do a good job of notifying firms who were not selected.

3 Ways to Start Your Search for Fundraising Counsel

The first task is to identify a pool of firms to begin the selection process.  There are a number of resources for identifying firms, but before you start looking, you need to decide what you are looking for.

Minding Millenials

By: David Shufflebarger MINDING MILLENIALS I have the impression that a lot of folks over 35 are dismissive of millennials, putting them out of their mind because of some preconceived notions such as ‘entitled, unreliable, or glued to their screens.’ Thus I was struck by this confluence of headlines over a couple of weeks inRead More Minding Millenials