Get Ready to Tee Off!

By: Katie MacKenzie, Project Coordinator This year I had the privilege of attending a little golf tournament known as The Masters that takes place each year in Augusta, Georgia. For someone who is really not a sports person, I surprisingly really enjoy watching golf. I know. It’s weird. The day that I attended this yearRead More Get Ready to Tee Off!

Revolving Doors

By: Jerry W. Henry, Partner Revolving doors are helpful….except when they are not! In the winter, revolving doors enable us to get inside the warmth of a building lobby in a fairly quick fashion without letting the blustery cold air blow through behind us.  But, there are times when I’m either carrying a large briefcaseRead More Revolving Doors

Knowing/Not, Assuming/Not, Listening

By: David T. Shufflebarger, Senior Partner We know from the good work done by the Giving USA Foundation that giving tends to correlate most strongly with the stock market, that the market is off to its worst January start since 2008, and that its January performance, known as the ‘January effect,’ often correlates to howRead More Knowing/Not, Assuming/Not, Listening

Campaigning Your Mission

By: Jerry W. Henry, Partner Have you noticed that the political season is in full swing? How could you miss it?  It seems that the candidates for President of the United States are showing up everywhere!  They are carrying their messages directly to the people and trying to help individual voters feel a close personalRead More Campaigning Your Mission

Working Your Way Through Conflict

By: Nancy E. Peterman, Partner Development officers are often the delight of any social occasion.  Trained to facilitate conversations, we are masters of putting people at ease.  As skilled as most of us are in smoothing over moments of awkwardness or tension, there is the infrequent blip on the radar screen where an encounter becomesRead More Working Your Way Through Conflict